Thursday 10 July 2014

Day 10- double figures, woohoo!

I'm still riding the crest of the swapsie wave!  Enjoyed a very yummy Beetroot and walnut dip, courtesy of Kate, on rice cakes.  I'm afraid I wolfed down the dip before photographing it, so here is the picture from the book Honestly Healthy.

Slight sadness to my day when I couldn't enjoy birthday cake to celebrate Julie's birthday.  Toasted her with peppermint tea and granola bar.  Not quite the same but it got us all taking about healthy eating, which was interesting.  I think more and more people are exploring plant based foods, but maybe not in isolation??

For dinner, I had the spicy noodle combo that Kate blogged about earlier. I added my own variations including broccoli, kale and left over spicy sesame potatoes.  It was, by far, my favourite dinner, although I may have over cooked the noodles.  Should have checked in with Kate first.

Finally, my supper, gluten free porridge oats topped with Eat Natural Buckwheat Museli and almond milk.  Night night.

P.S. one more thing, a big thank you to my friend Linsey because she bought me some vegan chocolate, Celtic Chocolate, and a nut bar, called 9 bar.  The chocolate is a real hit and so nice to eat some convenience food for a change!

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