Thursday, 31 July 2014

Ta dah!!

Well, that's all folks!

A full month of vegan and gluten free.  When I think back to that first weekend of misery!! But we turned a corner, and dare I say it, actually enjoyed some aspects of VGF living.

The plus points include, feeling like I've got more energy.  In fact, I'm often still buzzing going to bed and that's without any caffeine.  We've enjoyed some really tasty dishes.  And as Kate said, you feel quite pure and a little smug at how 'good' you've been.  Denying yourself those sweet treats becomes a way of living, and you stop battling the "should I or should I not" argument in your head.

That said, there have been a few disasters, the pancakes and the bread were two pretty soul destroying events!  The amount of planning, shopping and preparation is difficult to cope with.  Sometimes you just want a ready meal from m and s, no hassle!  I've not really craved anything other than a bit of normality.  I also think that if I was VGF permanently then it would affect how Doug (husband) and I share and enjoy food.  

The way forward... Try and include some VGF days in to my week.  I'll definitely keep my caffeine levels down with the help of peppermint tea.  I'm also growing fond of almond milk so it can stay.   A few more nuts in my life won't hurt either and those tasty lunchtime soups and dips are a real must!  Best shared with my pal of course.  The granola and peanut balls are likely to feature highly.

So give it a go readers, have a day of feeling pure and try the VGF way of life.  One day won't hurt...

Thanks for reading.  On to our next challenge.
Foodbag Kirsty x

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