Monday, 7 July 2014

Day 7- off piste 2 or piste off?

A wee bonus day today.  Had my dinner made by Gilly tonight.  Believe it or not, it was an Annabel Karmel kid's dish- hidden veg sauce.  Gilly added her own twist with chickpeas.  I cooked it with brown rice gluten free pasta, which is actually very good indeed!  I may continue using it long after this project is over.

Otherwise we continue on the processing front.  Made some hummus tonight (an Ella staple) and some more homemade granola bars (c/o the minimalist  Only five ingredients, dates, maple syrup, peanut butter (of the real variety), porridge oats (gluten free) and almonds.  They really do make delish bars better than the store bought varieties.  Store in the freezer as recommended. Ps I added desiccated coconut and raisins to mine.

1 comment:

  1. The brown rice pasta is a revelation. Thanks for swapping this with Kate, Kirsty, as I got to try it. Ugo do a really great chickpea penne but it's hard to come by in Scotland as their main supermarket supplier decided to stop selling it. It's worth a try if you can get some. Corn pasta, I find, is a bit gross...
