Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Day 22

Started off my day with homemade almond milk.  Soak blanched almonds overnight then drain and add to food processor with three times the amount in water.  Drain through a jelly sieve and hey presto!  It tastes very natural but I can't justify making it every morning because two little faces are just staring at me wondering when they are going to get fed.

Busy day in the sun.  Picnic outside with homemade hummus on rice cakes with cherry tomatoes, yum!

Dinner was a variation of a HH dish, rather than baked aubergine and cashew pesto, I made a baked potato.  I added too much garlic (sounds like a runny theme for Kate and i). But I did like the addition of some lemon juice, cumin and a sprinkling of the ol' nooch to the pesto.

Nearing the final week. Looking forward to reflecting over this experience.  Highs and lows my friends, highs and lows! 

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